Saturday, August 25, 2007

Walk in the woods

Ah, the norwegian forests. Today ma, pa, lil sis, littler sis and I went for a walk in the forest. I remembered how much I love it and cannot think of a reason why I do not do it more often. It is so beautiful, and just outside my door! We walked around for two hours, and had a break with fruits and chocolate. :)

Supernice day with the sun shining from a blue sky. I think this is my first post in forever that contains only blabbing about my life and no drawings. :P
Anyways, here are some crappy cell phone photos to proove to you I'm not telling lies. Also adding a quick video. Sorry about the lousy quality.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    jeg har og vært i skogen, rett bak holmenkollen, vi visste ikke helt hvor vi var. vi gikk og gikk og kom til en vei og der lå hoppbakken og vi var visst fortsatt i verden likevel vi hadde nemlig lurt en lang stund da. og vi fant blåbær. bær på bær. og litt bringebær og nesten en død mann som lå mellom bærene, men noen fant han før oss, det stod i avisen. men skogen er bra og sunn. igrunn.

  2. Hey muffin, Erica, Heri and I want to know if you want to join in our new 100 days blog (the topic this time is celebrities/famous people).
    Get back to me at if you are interested.

  3. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Hey Muffin! I hope to see you next year! I will be going to Norway with my family next spring. I'll let you know when.:)

    What a beautiful place you live in. :)


  4. hey muffin, this is not art!!!!! pshh!!


  5. Christmarie, really?? Tell me when! I'd love to meet you. :) It sure is beautiful. How cool that you are coming here.


I do love comments,
so thanks and thanks again (: