Thursday, February 14, 2008

Muffin Comic

Flaviano said comic was my bread. ... well, to bad bread upsets my stomach. ;P I never seem to be able to actually create something around this comic idea I have. It's really, really hard - but then again, so simple. I should just make 52 in a row and post one a week a year. Easy, huh.


  1. If you're going to be pumping out comics on a regular basis, I highly recommend get familiar with (or "refreshed with") photoshop actions.

    holy crap, it's not only a time saver but it helps you keep things consistent (like the width of the border on your word bubbles or the final dimensions of the image)

    I'd vote "go for it!" :) it's actually pretty cool to see how you end up stream lining your style to keep up with the constant deadline. For example: my journal usually looks like this:

    but I've been doing a lot of this lately:

    best wishes and good luck to you!

  2. Et tips: skriv om det komiske som skjer i dagliglivet. Skriv om den komiskekomiske Elena og hennes underfundigheter, skriv om MetteFlettes inntertiere, skriv om din ultrakule søster Tones treffsikre poenger. HAHA. ;´D

    Hvordan går det med shoutboxen? Funnet ut av det? Kul ny design.

  3. sure! just talk about the bad, the nomal/annoyng and the beautiful things that life deserve to you, your crazy personality will do the rest.

  4. I agree. Go for it. I love your comics.

  5. Your work has it's great charm as always:) Love the LOTR pieces haha.

  6. you guys are so kind! thanks for encouraging me so much. :)


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so thanks and thanks again (: