Tuesday, March 11, 2008

IF - Garden


for Illustration Friday - Garden. I loved those butterflowers. And nothing was as fun as jumping people checking if they liked butter or not.


  1. Utrolig søt Mette! Det ultimate barndomsminne! Hehe!

  2. Fantastic and sweet illustration, really great!

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Tegningene dine er bare så SKJØNNE, Mette! Akkurat som deg ... -hehe :)

  4. Næh, skjønn tegning!
    Utrolig at du får til uttrykk i ansiktene og kropssbevegelsene. Nais!

  5. Oh! I love the characters!
    Lovely image.

  6. Haha!

    Der er barndommen min! Ooh, hvor jeg savner den :S

    Produseres sånne blomster fortsatt?

  7. Ja, Eivind, det er jo sånn man lager SMØR!

  8. Been a while since I've stopped by . . . cool stuff, and funny too!

  9. Hey Gal!
    Loving your stuff soooo unbelievably much. I'd like to be like muffin, but she's just waay too cute:)
    Oh, an btw, compared to the rate I update my blog, you are like, super speedy woman. I think you should do a comic on muffin drawing really really fast and then being buried up to her non-existent eyebrows in them. Teehee, yup, that would b funny!
    Feel free to link my blog, if you can bear the degridation:)
    Love Laurie

  10. you guuuuyys. :) Thanks.

    Eivind, hør på søstra di (hu andre).

    Laurie - when you say "my blog" ... are you talking about the potboiler? That's the only blog I see on you profile, and I'm already linking to it actually. :P Thanks for all the other sweet stuff you wrote. you have a habit of leaving letter-sized-comments? GOOD! :D
    I'll see about the muffinswamp. I've done one before looooong time ago and it is uuugleeh. If you have other ideas for her aswell, please shoot them at me. :)

    Oh, and if you have another blog - please enlighten me. I hate fumbling in the dark.

  11. HI Muffin! Thanks for stopping by! I've missed your work! Great take as usual! love the bebe :)

  12. ok, Must shorten comments:)
    Well, Im glad you found ma blog, and sorry there is so much writing on it. I mean, GOSH!
    Anyway, I have fixed up my profile, it is now stunning ... or maybe just adequate.
    Hmm, this comment is quickly becoming letter-sized ... sorry. I cant help, it, Im just too brilliant, things to say jus keep popping into my head. Grr, enough of this, Im leaving, So tootles.


I do love comments,
so thanks and thanks again (: