Friday, January 16, 2009

Champse a lá cart de la fou de la france!

Being invited to a food feast may be just my favorite thing.
If there's food, there's me. I'm mostly there for the food anyway. ;)

Love Food is a festive thing arranged by Allkopi, and as I'm a customer of them, I got invited to this feast, and I had a plus one. I've always wanted to get an invitation with a plus one! :D It just feels so serious and my life is never serious. So we dressed up in dresses (of course! (although I skipped the high heels as I guessed I'd already be taller than half of the men in there (two thirds turned out to be correct)). But hey - being tall is fun.

We were seated with a group of chatty grown ups. I brought the EOS 40D and the one next to me was eagerly telling me all about lenses and cameras and ISO etc. He'd been a professional until the year I was born. Haha. Old man. I think we were about the youngest there, and the average must've been 38, I'm sure.

Anyway - the talking did its talking and the walking did its walking to the corners were the food was spread out. Spanish? I think yes! French? Parleuuur france, merci. Portugalian (uhm) food? TOMATO ME. Or perhaps italian would be preferred? Oui. I mean, si. I mean, load the plate please. It was food melting on tongues. Food being hot, being soft, being tasty.

And if you thought Wavy Mirrors were just for children and old people, you were wrong! They are most definitely for young adults like myself and L. Especially if one of us is wearing a mustache. 


  1. Yay. Yo.
    Vi må jo kommentere hverandres innlegg. Takk for at du ikke postet pirat-støgge-bildet, selvom the var funny funny.

    Takk for at jeg fikk være med - det var meget hyggelig!

  2. Mmm, maten ser helt nydelig ut, så jeg skjønner ikke helt hvorfor Linda rynker på nesen...

    Allkopi smører ass, men det gjør jo ikke noe når det blir en så festlig kveld ut av det :)

  3. Det var rå tunfisk, første bit, så jeg var faktisk litt skeptisk...

  4. Hhhhhhhi hhhhhi, jeg ler lydløst av speilbilde-bildene.... Så artig! Og maten så bare helt nydelig ut!:) Jeg ville vært der! Men du, når kommer updates fra hytta a?


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so thanks and thanks again (: