Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A countdown to the countdown

Ok so it's been silent for a few days. I've been in Sweden on a company Christmas trip eating loads of good food amongst great people. :) But now I'm back on track cause hello! Only a few hours left! I thought I'd kick it off with a starter here cause I'm looking forward to making a post-it calendar this year as well. Mainly cause it's quick & easy and that suits my schedule perfectly. ;)

Ok, so happy last day before the countdown! 25 days to go! Whoop whoop!


  1. Gleder meg til kalenderen :) skal følge med!

  2. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Jeg ser med glede frem til i morgen :) Det blir gøy å følge med. Glad adventstid!


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so thanks and thanks again (: