Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leave my friend alone!

Sunday School in my church is working on ways to teach the children valuable lessons. I was asked to draw some illustrations for this cause and it was of course right up my alley. :) I did a few simple ones first and then this - I was asked to illustrate the act of someone being bullied. The girl in front would be alone in the first slide - after that the gang of giggling and pointing girls come in. Next the guy reading his book, he's seeing the incident, but he's not doing anything about it. And lastly the girl telling her teacher that her friend is being bullied. I only had a few hours getting this done, you can tell the background suffers from this.. The motto is "Verne, Varsle, Velsigne", which means "protect, alert, bless" - which is what you can do as a child to help someone who's being bullied. :) 

I really wish there was something we could do about the bullying in schools. I honestly don't think the bullies know for real what harm they are doing, it's just a part of surviving and being strong. Survival of the fittest, you know.. I've never worked in a school, but I cannot fathom how these things just pass by without anyone noticing! It's horrible. I was bullied myself a bit in school, but with Gods grace I didn't really take any harm in it, - I knew I was a good person. :) I was bullied for my look more than my personality, and I guess that's better - cause my look was not really something I chose in the first place. So hey, don't blame me! ;) God blessed me with an easy way of looking at things, and I'm thanking Him every day for this. 


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Du er så flink, Mette!!! Utrolig "talende" bilde, eller hva man sier.


    Ps. Ser så frem til en tur i Styrmoes...

  2. Kjempesøt Mette! Og ja, mobbing er oe jeg gruer meg til å oppleve som lærer. Var i praksis og hadde unger som ble mobba. Var ikke no gøy akkuart...

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Du er nydelig, Mette!
    Klem Lene

  4. For en flott tegning som illustrerer tema perfekt!Du er flink:)
    Men søteste deg,jeg kunne aldri ha forestilt meg at de kunne ha vært slemme med deg på skolen.Det må ha vært pur misunnelse ifra de andre.Og det er det jo ofte med mobbing...
    Jeg synes du gjør en kjempefin jobb og det virker det som om Brunstad også gjør.Har vært inne på siden deres og sett flere ganger.
    Det må være fint å være del av et slikt inkluderende felleskap:)
    Takk for at du deler dine tanker på bloggen Mette.Du har en slik fin måte å utrykke deg på.
    Som balsam for sjelen.
    Stor klem fra Monja

  5. Really nice job! I love that your drawings are so simple but so expressive! :)


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