Friday, January 12, 2007

Me and the drawing

Drawing myself in front of the mirror.


  1. Well HellooooOH MY GOD.... I'm trapped in the mirror!.... oh this is not good .... not good at all... sure... the picture is nice and all... but what about me..... I'm trapped in the freakin' mirror... Hello?... Anybody?... crap... well at least I get to enjoy this picture.... see you around... providing you pass by the mirror again... Hello?.... fine then.... PEACE!

  2. Anonymous6:10 AM

    ooh, hello there! (waves):D


  3. *waves back* :)

    Jason - I had to read that one loud for my flatmate, and then we laughed. It's ok, I'll make sure to pass the mirror often and I will also leave you some mirrorfood (they have that at the supermarket). About drinks - sorry, thats a no go, too much mess. I hope you dont mind. Anyway, - dont go anywhere (HAHAHAH), - and I'll be back.



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so thanks and thanks again (: