Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Treasures in My Room #4

Did we reach #4 yet? I think so.

Well, as you can see - I had a blog-over.
What happened was that I went to the "choose new template" section and I saw "save template" and very hasty I clicked it thinking it was saving my template as it was in case I did anything hasty. ... not exactly what it was. I managed to save my blog with a new template, the first and most boring one in line. So - this forced me to spend my lunch break on a template hunt, and I caught this one. I really like it and I thought I was all inventive and finding a completely new template unlike any of my friends blogs, but I was wrong. :P Sorry Julie! I'm trying to customize it though. 

Anyway. It's Easter and most people are on holiday. Today I woke up with summer sunshine in my face and I dreaded sitting at the office while the outside was bathed in sun and ice cream offers.
Luckily, that changed rather quickly and now - just as I'm about to end my work day - 
I find there is foggy and muddy outside. So much for that lovely easter weather. 

I like birds and have liked them since my lovely grandma taught me they are the most appreciative animal there is and that their chirping actually means "thank God, thank God". It is a wonderful childhood memory and every time I see or hear a bird, I am reminded to thank God for my blessed life. So should you. :) 

In the name of Easter and in the love of birds: here's a yellow one who sits in my window all day.
The glass jar on the right is something I picked up at a market place, it was free. With a candle in it, it gives the most lovely light play you can imagine! It's like a small church. :) But for now, it's hosting my paint brushes. 


  1. Love it! All we are waiting for now is left justified text... :p

  2. That is lovely! I would be cheered up every day if I saw that bird at my window :)

  3. nice, metz, really nice!
    Hva med å ha en ekstern poppeopp-boks for kommentarer? jaaaaa..!!

  4. Colorwhale - ... ha ha. You're not getting it. :P yet.

    Linda - jeg fjernet det jo akkurat. :P whats wrong with this? mye mer integrert i designet i hvert fall. og færre vinduer liggende åpne bakom. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS.

  5. kjetil9:15 AM

    Liker det kjempegodt jeg :) Headeren er kanon. Før fikk jeg vondt i øynene av å lese teksten på bloggen din, men nå går det bedre. Jeg synes du skal slå på jevn utfylling jeg, slik at det blir kjempelangt mellomrom mellom ordene i de korte setningene, akkurat som i skjulte skatter …

  6. Oh btw.. I looove your blogover!


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