Thursday, May 6, 2010

Baby Elephants

I had a troubled relationship with Disney's Dumbo when I was a kid. I loved, loved Dumbo and his big ears and the style of the design, the story etc. But I could not, my dear gosh - stand the teasing of Dumbo. How not just humans teased him, but also the other elephants. And how him and his momma was treated so unfair, and how she was locked up in that tiny trailer cart unable to care for Dumbo. As you can see, I'm damaged. Didn't help much when Dumbo had those weird dreams including bubble pink elephants and crazy dancing either.

But they did however manage to make the most heartwretching song of all times. Just watch the video at the end of this post and you'll know what I mean.

Anyway. Elephants are cool. :)
Here's a couple of kiddies.


  1. So cute! I love your work!!

  2. Thank you, Garth! :)

  3. They're so cute! The grass turned out rather well :)

  4. I love your drawing style mette! As mentioned before; It's so cute!
    Btw: Jeg fikk frysniger av sangen, FØR jeg hadde hørt på'n! x)

  5. Åååå! Som om jeg skulle sagt det selv! :)
    Elsker elefanter! De er så store og klumpete og kloke og ... og... helt rå!

  6. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I love that little blue guy, with his wrinkly forehead and baby tusk. Super charming.

  7. I am smiling from ear to ear over your blog. First, muffins. Mmmmmm. And then all these wonderful elephant drawings! Aaah, so fantastic. Your little ellies are so cute, and the one with hungry friends makes me giggle. He looks sooooooo happy. Heeheehee!

  8. Åh, jeg elsker bloggen.

  9. I love that song too! It makes me cry. Dumbo was the saddest movie.

  10. Åh, Mette - SMELT over elefanttegningene dine! ELSKA den med "Thats what friends are for" - helt rå! Og så kommer du med disse søte her, med en supertrist sang fra Dumbo (alltid syntes det vat fælt når han ble mobbet!), som jeg nesten griner av. Du har talent! ^^

  11. Haha, takk Betty. ;) Alltid så koselig å få kommentarer av deg!
    Takk til alle andre også. :)

    Thanks for the comments, everyone!

  12. I have never seen the whole movie of Dumbo, but I don't think I want to after watching this movie clip. I just watched it and cried from start to finish. Hits you when youh have your own kids I think, although I've always been sensitive to other's sadness. Btw, I like your elephants tho! :-)


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