And when you see this you will totally understand.
Oh my dreamy world of good and goshness I can't take this. :U I'm drooling over my keyboard where's my tissue.
Did you ever, in your numerous days of scrambling the internet, see anything more appealing? Anything you'd want more? Did you ever realize a Japanese page, untranslated, would become your favorite eyesight and click-througher within seconds? That you would crave so many things you'd start checking online for container transportation across Asia? I can't leave this alone, I must have it! :( These things are like fridge cold chocolate on a warm summer afternoon. With strawberries and ice cream. And a foot massage. And a new summer dress. I feel like crying. :'[ Crying the Happy-Tears.
Mahna Mahna Factory just saved my day. Well, SewSaw did by showing me the link. You can't make shopping more fun than shopping by colors.
Except this isn't for shopping but for renting, but let's not ruin the moment by realizing that it means I can't by this. All of this.
Picnic on a chair, anyone? I'll bring the champagne.
One day I'm going to have a hallway in a house. And this hallways will have a ceiling. And this ceiling is going to be packed with tiny air balloons in all kinds of colors. I will be happy every day leaving and entering the house. :]
Yesterday: handbags, today: dustcollecters. When did I become a materialist? No, like really! I didn't use to be like this. I guess I finally grew up and found peace (&love) in pretty things. Sigh.
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