Thursday, May 27, 2010

A post instead of a post

It would be in order to post about our trip to Greece right now, I know. Thing is - my friend Nina took all the pictures with her to Canada for the week. I do have a few Iphone Photos of Extremly Good Quality, but I'm just thinking ya'll would want to wait for the real pics.

So, while I was mourning the lack of photos from Greece I was (being the fashion blogger that I am) contacted by a company (the guy working next door) selling shoes and handbags, asking me if he could sponsor (if I could take some old handbags off his hands) me and my blog (which he doesn't know about) with these nicely designed handbags from 2009. I, of course, accepted politely (threw myself over the handbags) and picked a selection (all of them) I would like to write about.

I love handbags (you didn't think so, did you).
I bought one in Greece as well.

But over to the freebags.
Allright. Perhaps not my first pick of choice, but freebags are goodbags. And you don't say no to that.

How cute is the navy one? Totally cute!

My verdict: Handbags are fun and good for gifts as well as for keeping.
Watch out, mother.


  1. Vesker får man aldri nok av! Eller: Vekser har man alltid for mange av...! ;)
    Kjøpte meg akkurat en ny en i dag. Veskene mine må romme eks antall bleier, klesskift og rompesalve, så da ble det en stor og romslig fra HM til 149 kr. Men jeg kunne jo bare spurt min venn veskemette om hun hadde hatt en til overs ;) hehe... Grattis!

    PS. Klar for grillings på terrassen snart?

  2. Max klar, Lena!! :) Gleder meg til en digg sommer med mange koselige kvelder.
    Store vesker er også digg da, men jeg roter de så sykt til. ;P Finner alltid noen tyrkisk pepper på bunnen etter noen uker. Trenger derfor mange, mange vesker som jeg bytter mellom. ;P

  3. Loved this post! You simply rock! ;D

  4. Hehe, wow! Digger vesker .. men når man er en mor så må man tenke "rom", "størrelse", "praktisk" osv .. utseendet får man drite litt i rett og slett :) Savner å gå med en liten veske .. hehe! Takk for i går, var så kosli å bare se deg! klem

  5. Hahaha! Jeg ler sånn av deg, morsomme veske-Mette.
    Alltid greit med no' gratis goods da, heldiggris.

  6. I would love to have that bag that looks like a giant pair of underwear. Good catch!

  7. Mette, i just abosolutely loved the way you wrote this post. with all the parenthesis. Lol. I was dying laughing.

  8. Anonymous4:10 PM

    =D I love the shark bag. hehe!!


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